Lower Leg & Ankle Injuries
Ultimate Performance Medical products we recommend for specific lower leg and ankle injuries including Achilles tendonitis, Ankle sprains, Calf strains and Shin pain.
Ankle Sprains
An ankle sprain is one of the most common sports injuries. It is simply a tear or stretching of ligaments, which join bone to bone. Products we recommend for treating sprained ankles include supports and braces, cold therapy packs, sports tape and more.
Achilles Tendonitis
Achilles tendonitis, more accurately known as Achilles tendinopathy is inflammation (or degeneration) of the Achilles tendon at the back of the lower leg. Symptoms include gradual onset pain which is worse first thing in the morning, or after a period of rest. We sell Achilles tendon supports, hot and cold packs, insoles and more to help treat Achilles pain.
Calf strain
A Calf strain is tear of one of the large muscles at the back of the lower leg. Products to help treat Calf injuries include Calf supports, Hot and cold packs, Foam rollers and more. View all products for treating calf injuries.
Shin splints
Shin splints is not an injury as such, but a common term people use to describe shin pain. Most common is pain on the inside of the shin from overuse. Products for treating shin pain include hot and cold packs, calf supports and sports tape.