How does the Ultimate Performance Thumb Support work?
The Ultimate Performance Thumb Support / Brace has dual splints which run along the outside of the thumb. As a result, they help prevent your thumb bending backwards. In effect, it 'splints' it in place while it heals.
Fully adjustable wrist and upper thumbs straps allow for a custom fit. Complete freedom of movement for the fingers makes this brace great for everyday wear. Soft neoprene blend provides firm, even support and promotes improved healing. Adjustable for perfect fit and required compression. Fits both left and wright hands.
Who is it suitable for?
The thumb support is suitable for anyone with a thumb sprain or injury. In particular:
- MCP (metacarpophalangeal) joint sprains at the base of the thumb.
- This thumb support is popular with skiers who are more prone to MCP joint sprains (skiers thumb).
Thumb brace protects the ligaments at the base of the thumb joint, often injured when skiing.
This is a level 3 support.
What is an MCP sprain?
The MCP joint is the joint at the base of your thumb. It often bends backwards during sport, damaging the ligaments at the base of the thumb.
Thumb support wear instructions
Loosen the straps and place your thumb in hole. Tension wrist strap as required using intermediate and end tabs. Secure thumb tab around thumb and fasten.